
What Causes Depression?
Acacia MH Acacia MH

What Causes Depression?

Clinical depression is a complex disorder that has a variety of potential causes. Learn how to identify these causes, how the causes can relate to one another, and how each individual can find a treatment plan that is tailored to their needs.

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Breaking New Ground: Accelerated iTBS Studies Offer Hope for Adolescent Depression Treatment
Acacia MH Acacia MH

Breaking New Ground: Accelerated iTBS Studies Offer Hope for Adolescent Depression Treatment

Acacia presented data at the 5th International Brain Stimulation conference in Lisbon, Portugal on the topic of accelerated iTBS for the treatment of adolescent depression. The prevalence of adolescent depression is steadily rising but unlike adults, less than half with severe impairment receive treatment. rTMS approaches could be transformational for adolescents and previous studies have demonstrated its safety.

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