Have you been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder? A clinical trial may be an option.

Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the world, affecting an estimated 40 million people in the United States each year. This study is designed to study whether low-intensity ultrasound can temporarily alter self-reported anxiety and brain activity related to emotional processing.


Joining a clinical trial is an important and personal decision. Thank you for considering this study.

This study may be an option for adults who are:

  • 18-80 years of age

  • Fluent in English

  • Diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, panic disorder, or Social Anxiety Disorder within the past year with or without Major Depressive Disorder

There are other requirements for participation in the study. The study doctor will explain these to you.




18-80 years of age


Generalized Anxiety Disorder, panic disorder, or Social Anxiety Disorder within the past year with or without Major Depressive Disorder


If you are interested in participating, the study team will schedule a screening visit to determine if you can join the study. 

This study involves two in-person sessions, follow-up surveys or phone calls, and two onsite follow-up visits. The in-person sessions will take place at the study site and involves ultrasound, questionnaires, and wearing a brain activity-measuring device.

Prior to the in-person sessions, participants will need to complete an MRI scan which will be used for brain targeting.

Length of Study Treatment

One month

Number of Study Visits

This study consists of up to four total visits to our lab.

Enroll Now

Please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.


Disclaimer: Acacia Clinics is collecting this information so we can send you details for the study you’re interested in.


Acacia’s leadership team is comprised of individuals at the top of their respective fields, driving clinical treatment, research, and operations beyond conventional mental health care.

Noah DeGaetano, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Danielle DeSouza, PhD
VP of Research


  • This study is designed to ask whether low-intensity focused ultrasound can temporarily alter brain activity and behavior related to anxiety. We will learn about the way your mind works with different clinical evaluations. We expect any effects to be temporary (lasting only minutes). The purpose of this study is to examine how your brain activity and your experience temporarily change after the ultrasound intervention and whether this effect is repeatable over multiple sessions.

  • You may or may not receive any benefits from taking part in this study. Possible benefits may include a temporary improvement in your mental or emotional state. You may perceive an elevation in mood from the ultrasound procedure.

  • The FDA has issued guidelines for safe human ultrasound use, at or below 720 mW/cm2 in adult humans, for all parts of the body. The ultrasound used on you will be well below these approved intensity levels. Ultrasound imaging has been used for over 50 years and has an excellent safety record.

    You should not experience sensations or pain with the low-intensity ultrasound we employ. If they do report any negative sensations, you will be given the option to end the study.

  • You will receive up to $250 for completing the study.

    • History of seizure or other serious neurological or psychiatric disorder not being investigated.

    • Use of certain medications such as benzodiazepines.

    • Uncorrected hearing or vision impairment.

    • Drug or alcohol dependence or addiction.

    • Pregnancy or potential pregnancy during the study.

    • Recent history of migraines exceeding 4 days per month.

    • Certain metal implants or devices.

    Other safety criteria will be discussed during a screening visit.

  • Your participation in this study is completely optional. You can choose to stop participating in the study at any time, for any reason.

Research Center

Acacia Team